Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Buy A New Car

One of the worst things that can happen to you on the way to work is your car breaking down. Now I'm not just talking about a flat tire here. I'm talking about your vehicle puttering-out and blowing smoke from the hood. Let me tell you, it's a definite bummer if it occurs. It happened to me back when I was only 19 year old. I remember being so worried that I was going to lose my job. The good news is that I didn't, but the bad news was that my car was trash. Apparently it was time to buy a new car. Not that I had the funds for that. This is when my dad let me in on a little secret. It's absurd to purchase a new vehicle when you can get one that's practically new for much less. Hmm, made sense to me.

I think most people assume that it's ideal to buy a new car. They feel that the dealership offering them something that's fresh from the factory is a win-win situation. Now, I'm not going to lie. It definitely can be. On the other hand, some folks go in to buy a new car and end up with a lemon. YIKES, that would be a bummer for sure. To spend all that hard-earned money on a new vehicle that does you wrong. This is why I prefer to purchase slightly used cars. Take the Miata I used to drive for example. I purchased this car used in 1994. It was a 1992 Mazda Miata with only 9000 miles on it. To the eye, this car appeared brand spanking new. There were no two ways about it. So naturally I was stoked at the 13,400 dollar sticker price pasted across the windshield. I had previously looked into these cars and they ran around 20 grand new. This was a deal I had to seize. I wasn't about to buy a new car when I could get one that was just like new for over 6,000 less.

Shopping around is the key. I don't care if you're in the market to buy a new car or something with a bit of wear, you need to browse first. I've often found that smaller towns sell cars at lower costs. And one major thing we have going for us as the customers now days is the web. We can see what vehicles cost, so there's no duping from the dealers. Do the research online before hitting the dealerships.

Honda Motorcycle Dealers

Lets face it, the legend of Harley Davidson is dead and gone. Although the Harley was the end-all and be-all of motorcycles for many many years, with its take over by a German company, it is no longer the American classic that it once was. And in any case, it is impossible to buy a Harley unless you have loads and loads of money. Although I used to want a Harley for many years, I am glad that I got over it. After talking to a few Honda motorcycle dealers, as well as several owners of Honda motorcycles, I have realized that this is far and away the best deal that I can get for a motorcycle.

Of course before I ever even went to any Honda motorcycle dealers, I started thinking about getting a Honda. I knew that Honda cars were some of the best that there are, and that I needed a vehicle of some kind to get me around. The reason that I decided to become a Honda motorcycle owner, is that, with the high cost of fuel, it just do not make sense for me to drive a full-sized car. In addition, I live in the desert, and the Honda motorcycle dealers that I talked to said that I would probably be able to drive my Honda motorcycle almost the entire year long. I met particularly nice Honda motorcycle dealers who told me everything that I needed to know about buying my first motorcycle, and even pointed me towards the right motorcycle safety classes to make sure that I was sure I could handle the challenge. The motorcycle dealers Honda that I talked to were free to admit that many other bikes have the advantages, but pointed out that most of their own customers would come away fairly satisfied. This was more than enough to convince me of what kind of like I wanted. I spent a few weeks talking to Honda motorcycle dealers, and then made my choice.

Of course it is never a good idea to do just what someone else tells you to, so I encourage you to do your own research before deciding what kind of bike to get. Although there are many good Honda motorcycle dealers, there are also a lot of other good motorcycles out there. Yamahas, Suzukis, Indians, and all other kinds of motorcycles have their advantages and disadvantages. It is always a mistake to choose something just on the brand. You should see what works for you.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Car Audio Reviews

Car audio products/accessories and how they perform is something that car audio enthusiasts are constantly concerned about. Car audio reviews help intending buyers make more informed choices.

Most car audio reviews help prospective customers to choose the best systems compatible with their car. They also help them even with their existing audio systems that need an upgrade. Sometimes a car audio review can call your attention to a feature you have not been taken advantage of even though you have it in your system.

Most websites that are put up by either distributors of sellers of different brands of audio systems put up a comparison chart which rates products across categories. This helps a customer upgrade his system better or even land a more affordable deal.

Car audio reviews include those for CD players, amplifiers, subwoofers, speaker systems, etc.

Advantages of Car Audio Reviews

• Price listing and comparison of different brands in one place

• Quick reference material

• Expert opinion on use and upgrade

• Genuine information from users of products and services

• After-sales services provided by manufacturers and suppliers

Where can I find good reviews?

• Manuals and publications from manufacturers contain good review articles.

• Websites like this one and others that cater to car audio components supply and maintenance

• Word of mouth review, mostly by friends or family members who have used a particular brand or product.

You can be a reviewer

Many websites invite reviewers to review any particular brand or product and write honest opinions or give information that may be of use to others intending to buy the same. So be a good fellow, let others know your experience with a particular car audio gear.

Finance Car - Review

You feel like buying a rather expensive car this summer. But there is a problem. You are not a wealthy guy. Do not despair. You have a choice of a range of best deals on offer in the automotive market, popularly described as zero percent finance for cars. How does this work and are they really for you?


Almost all car dealers who offer a zero percent finance, have a sales plan in place. They will have outlined a profile of the prospective customer. Quite obviously, a major criteria would be that the customer should have a good credit standing. SO, normally such offer will be made to existing customers. New customers would be judged for credit background on several parameters like, income, location of the customer, employment or business status, or even the assets that the customers own. For obvious reasons, credit term is usually shorter than the normal regular interest credit scheme, often below 2 years. It will result in higher EMIs (equated monthly instalments).


EMIs always change in inverse proportion to duration of the loan - shorter the term of credit, the higher the amounts payable per month and the longer credit period, the smaller amount to be paid per month. Ironically, if you opt for a longer duration you will end up paying more amount simply because interest rate is induced for a long period of time. You will find that you will have paid more than 20 times the retail price. Also, failure to pay the monthly payables of the zero percent credit term will result in higher interest after that as a penalty for not paying on time. In such eventuality, you will actually end up paying higher than the amount paid under zero percent because of the interest and other penalty charges.

Finally, the the car is priced higher than cash down value. For example in a zero percent scenario, the car is offered at say $100,000 on display for 2 years to pay having a monthly payable amount of $4,166. The $100,000 price is actually still higher than the actual value of the car. The car dealers usually know that the car value is only say $70,000 but if offered at zero percent credit, they would price it at $100,000.


From the foregoing you will wonder, and rightly so, what advantage does zero percent finance car give you the as the customer. On the other hand this is certainly a good marketing strategy for auto dealers. And it will definitely help those who can afford the terms because it always better than paying longer credit period. So, the zero percent finance car is a good marketing strategy for the car dealer. It is also beneficial for the customer who can afford it.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Purchase Of Cars Made In America

If you talk to any of the men in my family, they will tell you that they will only buy American cars. This is something they won’t reconsider, and it doesn’t matter what you say about it, though I have never thought to try to talk them out of it. Some of them are mechanics, and they tell me that getting parts for some cars that are not American made is hard. They also claim that if you want a car that runs well, won’t rust out early, and will last a long time, you have to avoid foreign made automobiles and buy from your own country.

The problem with this is that you may have a hard time finding cars anymore that can be called American cars. Factories are closing down, and parts are coming from all around the world. However if you get American cars with parts made elsewhere, you can be pretty sure you’ll be able to get the parts rather easily. Things have changed though, and it’s not nearly as hard as it used to be to get any part of any car. Most mechanics today can fix almost any car too, and that has a lot to do with computer technology. There are some diagnostic machines you can hook right up to an engine and the computer will tell you what is wrong with the car.

Perhaps the love of American cars in my family came from their upbringing. Though most people don’t talk about it openly, intolerance of other races and nationalities is something that has never gone away, though I think with every generation humans become more accommodating of each other and our differences. The older generations still hang on to the way things were when they were children. This leads to believing that American cars are the best and that’s what you should buy.

It is important that we buy American cars though, because it means you are supporting your own country. There are so many industries that end up over seas because of pricing. We can’t let American cars disappear. Your fellow countrymen and women who work hard building American cars may lose their jobs if sales dip too low. Though there are many affordable and great foreign cars, the next time you go out for a new car, don’t forget to at least try a few cars made in America before you make your purchase.

Cars From General Motors

For a long time, my dad would tell me how much he loved General Motors cars. He said that they were better built, and were made to last a lifetime. He would claim that if you did not buy a Chevrolet you are asking for high repair bills. Opinions differ, of course, as my stepfather will tell you nothing will be as good as a Ford. Though I couldn’t tell you which manufacturer is better, I can tell you I have had good cars through both companies. Right now, we own a Chevrolet, and I think it is a very good car.

Because most of the people in my family did not buy General Motors cars, I did not buy one for a long time. However, when we needed a new car at the last minute, we ended up buying a Chevrolet. I have to tell you that this is one of the best cars I have ever had. This doesn’t mean I’m going to be a walking advertisement for General Motors cars, but if someone asks I will be sure to tell them how much I love it. This car is over 10 years old, and has yet to give me any major problems. I hope I have not jinxed myself by saying that, but I feel pretty confident that it has many more good years left in it.

One great thing about General Motors cars is that you can get them repaired almost anywhere. You can say this of most companies that have factories in North America. If you have chosen a car made in another country, you may have problems finding the parts you need. If that were to happen, you may find it takes weeks to get your car fixed. If you own General Motors cars, this will never be, for the most part, a problem for you. There may be times when you have to wait for car repair, but it will not be because the parts are unavailable.

For the most part, General Motors cars are a good investment. When it comes to safety, you have to think about more than how much horsepower is under the hood. Today, new General Motors cars come with Onstar. This system can help you if your car has been stolen, if something is wrong with your car, or if you have been an accident. Think of it as a communication system between you and the outside world. If you have a growing family, this might be the biggest reason you might choose General Motors cars.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Low Rider Bikes - The Essence Of Lifestyle

You've seen them on the covers of magazines, on tv, and on the streets. Low rider bikes are blazing into popular culture and it looks like nothing is going to stop this cultural phenomenon from growing to massive size.

From the mechanic who builds low rider bikes in his spare time to the new kid on the block who finds an old beat up junker to turn into his personal statement. People from all walks of life are getting involved with the essence of this lifestyle. What is it about this phenomenon that makes it so popular? Some believe that it is the intrinsic yearning within humans to make a statement about who they are and what is important to them. These bikes are an excellent medium to do this. They provide new and experienced artists with the canvas to create a work of art that will stop people in their tracks and get them to think about who it was that created these amazing bikes.

The popularity of this bike is visible everywhere. The shows that used to be purely devoted to cars are increasingly integrating low rider bikes into the entertainment. From show producers point of view it is a great way to involve a greater segment of the population. From the attendees point of view, its just plain fun to see the massive amount of creativity that those who design low rider bikes bring to the shows.

What are the origins of these bikes? In order to explore this we have to step back in time and visit another type of show... In this case a tv show. Low rider bikes are said to be a descendant of a bike that was used in the popular 1960's tv show "The Munsters". With the popularity of the show, the bike took off and became THE bike that kids wanted to get. Low rider bikes began to be seen on the streets of otherwise conservative neighborhoods. The popularity of these bikes was short-lived. As the years went by the predecessor of this bike was seen less and less frequently.

Then came the 1980's. The decade of greed and indulgence would also be the decade when the this style of bike had new life breathed into it. With this newfound life, the bike took off and has steadily been gaining popularity. These bikes have now reached the point where they are starting to make headway into the mainstream. So, these bikes are rocking the bike world and, in the opinion of many, the low rider bike is here to stay.

How does one get involved with this vibrant pool of life? Today there are shows that provide a venue for low rider bikes, clubs and online resources where people interact and figure out how to build more outrageous low rider bikes. The exciting thing about this lifestyle is that the builders are always pushing the envelop and trying to come up with new and unique ways to present their bikes. There is also a growing number of people who want to build these low rider bikes and are seeking tips on how to do this.

Remote Control Technology In Cars

When people think of remote control cars they usually think of small electric cars which are given as a present to a son or daughter and fly around the living room, around the household obstacles and scare the family cat. Over the years, there has been an increase in the popularity of these RC cars due to the increase in technology, lowing of costs and the fantastic designs which companies come up with. What people do not realise is that remote control cars vary greatly from the family RC Cars as mentioned previous, nitro cars which run on nitro fuel and petrol remote control cars which run on unleaded petrol.With the general family remote control car, you are usually required to either insert batteries into the car and the radio control handset, or charge a rechargeable battery inside the car but still put normal batteries in the controller. This has the advantage over the other models in that they can be recharged over and over again and does not cost anymore, apart from paying for the electric which is next to nothing. These cars range from cars which costs a few £'s to cars which are more specialised which can cost around £80. The only other cost is buying new batteries when they stop charging as they do not last forever, but even that costs is not much at all for a pack of 4.Next on the family tree of remote control cars are nitro cars, which are designed for people who have had a few years experience of rc cars and either are looking for the next car up, or into competition racing or something in-between. Nitro rc cars require running in, just like a normal road car in that the parts are new and the fuel and lubricants needs to run through the car, which can be a time consuming and at times a frustrating process. This is due to the car possibly stalling, stuttering or just not moving at all which requires problem solving but once the car is up and running, can be extremely fast and outrun a top of the range electric car on acceleration. When it comes to full on racing, they are usually neck and neck but can be tweaked like normal cars to give even more speed.They run on nitro fuel which is purchased from model shops, and a bottle gives around 3-4 full fuel tanks worth so around a hours racing. It only takes a minute to refuel, but on a downside the cars need constant maintenance and servicing to keep them in good condition, again like normal road cars.he last on the family tree are petrol which most people never really think of, as they are for huge fans and defiantly a big boys toy. At a length of around a meter, these cars are big. Running on actual unleaded petrol, they are actually cheaper to run than nitro cars but do still need attention to maintenance and servicing. Not the kind of remote control car you will find in the high street stores, but mainly from specialised retails.